Saturday, August 29, 2009

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPSET dan masih akan!

ever wonder how it feels when it is not ur fault and people simply said it is yours?
well, that's is exactly had happen to me..
i got blamed because i drove the stupid little blue creature that belong to somebody and eventually....
other vehicle scratch it and left a is stupid to say that im not worried about the car, because i noe the feeling when something that you love so much gets a little bit here and there it'll be damn annoying!

tapi after all, ang buat aku lagi tak tahan tu, bukan ape..aku tahu salah aku..but bukannye 100% my fault..things happen and i bet if anybody were at my place they will tell the same..i've tried and at the same time, patutnye pikir la gune kepala otak kan...blaja je tinggi2..tapi tau nak put the blame on others je...

p/s: soory la kalo ade pihak yg terase..and benda ni sebenarnye takde la serius part kena blame tu yg tak tahan sgt tu...happy readin yea?

1 comment:

aXphySiated_qAqA said...


kesian u.....

but it's true, things happen...

hmmmmmm,tp i rasew things might

goes better wif good


biase larh tuh slh fhm

sket ,,,alangkan lidah

lagi tergigit...luft2 muahz!!!!!~