Wednesday, December 2, 2009

~~~...... SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU......~~~

hye all..
its been a while since my last post kan?

  • first things first,
  • bangun pagi, mandi2, MEMASAK.
  • on9 sejam lebih (lebih dan lebih)
  • makan dan tgok t.v~
  • best jugak cte kt tv ni...lepak dan mkan lg.....until~~
  • kring2! (sape tu?)
ouh,ruepenye kak zaza...ahahah bwt tekejot je..

antara perbualan kami ada lah seperti berikut:
kak zaza: feee..akak nikah 12 dec ni tau..ahahaha
fee: ouh yeke?? congrats...heheh
kakzaza: erm fee ble nak dtg uma akak ni haa..tlg kemas2 uma?
fee: urm...arrrhhh kene ke?? erm tak ingt pon fee nji..ade ke kak?
kakzaza: eyh ape plak tade..dtg la..tlg akak ni haa..
fee: haa yela..esok feedtg tlg ea... ahahahah
kakzaza: ni fee dtg kn nnt akak kawen? fee kan PENGAPIT akak...

yea itu dia perkataan keramat tu...

aku mane penah jd pgapit.. malu kot!! adoiii, nk kne jumpe mak bapak jan ag..
ouh..i ready ke huh???
sumpah takot weyh!!!
adoi..dengar pon da cukop scary, blom ag kawen derang tu..ouh!!
camne niyh?? skang ni sape yg cold feet?? aku kah??
oh NO!!!!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

............i've been waiting for this moment to come!!!

how to start? urm i don't really know where and why,

but i have a strange feeling this morning.. maybe it is RAYA and i'm supposed to be happy..

but then again, i'm just another creature yang agak confuse dengan persekitarannya.fullstop.

hari yang agak indah dan dingin ini kian membuatkan aku semakin bingung, kerana kehadiran hari raya yang serba sayu ini tidak lengkap dengan kehadiran seorang insan yg telah lama aku rindui.



yea,i've said it! jadi kepada semua yang masih berpeluang nak katakan "abah, anakanda minta ampun dan maaf atas segala kesilapan yang anakanda lakukan, halalkan makan serta minun doakanlah anakanda menjadi anak yang solehah.." segeralah minta keampunan darinya.


ouh windunya~

hahahaha...ini selalu terjadi, tapi it is not the major thing that makes me feel uneasy today. its just that i've been missing him lately, mungkin everyday..ouh NO! mmg EVERYDAY!..ahaha the fact that kami beraya di kampung halaman masing2 sgtlah menyeksakan. but, its okay..i'm learning how to survive without him by my side~ but honestly...i'm pretty much in love sangat dgn HIM. yes! i'm thankful and grateful coz tuhan kurniakan die dlm hidup aku!



i love you ma~

huhuhu...i love u, and yes!

thank you ma coz u cooked great dishes and bagi duit raya yang sangat lumayan! hahaha knowing that mama will always be by my side whenever and whatever happen..thanks ma!

i hope it is not too late to wish everyone SELAMAT HARI RAYA~

Saturday, August 29, 2009

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPSET dan masih akan!

ever wonder how it feels when it is not ur fault and people simply said it is yours?
well, that's is exactly had happen to me..
i got blamed because i drove the stupid little blue creature that belong to somebody and eventually....
other vehicle scratch it and left a is stupid to say that im not worried about the car, because i noe the feeling when something that you love so much gets a little bit here and there it'll be damn annoying!

tapi after all, ang buat aku lagi tak tahan tu, bukan ape..aku tahu salah aku..but bukannye 100% my fault..things happen and i bet if anybody were at my place they will tell the same..i've tried and at the same time, patutnye pikir la gune kepala otak kan...blaja je tinggi2..tapi tau nak put the blame on others je...

p/s: soory la kalo ade pihak yg terase..and benda ni sebenarnye takde la serius part kena blame tu yg tak tahan sgt tu...happy readin yea?

Friday, August 28, 2009

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Usuall Satu-r-a day...

went to BELANGA the Garden,bukak pose with hubby, all i can say is okay~

after a tiring day, a little bit here and there; all sort of argumentation and reasoning..i personal thinks its me the matters last nite..ntahla, typical human being kan..tipu lah if tade masalah...

another chapter; TODAY!

wake up a bit late, didn't bother to wash up pon...maybe because i didn't want 'his' absent to just go away like that. and for the first time i went to bed yesterday, i didn't dream much..or should i say no dreams at all? but its okay, knowing that he'll being snuggling up in his bed today after his duty as a student, i thought myself not to bother him for quite few days...let us be chill with ourselves..its just to bothering to see him upset and myself unhappy with whatever we've been doing~ :)

so, i move on... switched on my favourite lappy..set him open for minutes and later starts to type here and there..for once i thought that i wont be long infront of him, but i could not help myself writing something just to feel comfy..(ade ke such word? my aunt slalu marah..dunnoe the words tp nak sebut.. hahha) and later i need to finish my journal thingy and move on to other priorities.. :)

LUNCH~ (it is a fasting month,so tak makan la hey)

still working on the journals...tough job eventually..and never imagine myself will be doing this..haha :) whatever thought that im thinking rite now, sumpah i pikir yang it is good for my own practise and its actually preparing myself to the real working task... :)


ITs not actually done, but im just gonna stop here...

  • telling myself to be achieve something must work for it!

  • and after all, been missing my other half ADDLYZAN ABD MANAP~

  • tomorrow nak g dating ngan mek tie and aimi munchet! so lEsBo okay? :)

~blowing off the candles in my life~

as slalu.......................
tatau apa lagi yg kurang dalam semuanya kali ini,
mungkin perencah untuk resepi kebahgiaan sussah untuk di tukar sesuka hati,
mungkin, bahan yang digunakan layu semuanya,
mungkin jiwa telah kekok mengenali CINTA.
bukan sengaja,
kali ini benar-benar mahu dibelai manja,
patutnya aku tak mintak seperti peminta sedekah,
dan patutnya aku memang hanya untuk dia membelai.
semuanya kasar belaka,
kasar hingga aku mula memikirkan hidup ini tak apa jika dia tiada,
tiada lagi "i shed my tears for u",
kerna telaga air mata ini sudah kontang,
kerana mengenangkan nasib diriku.
im so sorry if im being selfish,
i know that you were never dream to have me by your side,
its crazy for those who are not chasing after you,
coz you are hot like a selling fast muffin with blueberry topping...
i wish that one fine day,
u will eventually find someone that fullfill your desires..
im officially backing off from your life..
thanks for the sweetest memories that i ever had with you..

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

blog ini d tujukan khas buat semua insan yang layak terima rindu-rinduanku~

well hye again...tenks for always tak bosan melawat dgn redhanye ke blog fee..
hari ini bumi ciptaan tuhan ini d limpahi rahmatnya dengan tangisan dingin yg aku sendiri rasakan teramat dingin menusuk kalbu. (aiceywah..bahase bunge2!)
it is not usuall for me to write in this kind of manners,but unfortunately (for my loyal readers, if only i have la kan) i rasekan arini perasaan sebu yg melampau...
for the first time, today i rasa begini....
  • merindui insan yg telah lama pergi dari hidupku...rindu sgt padanya.. (al fatihah)
  • rindu pada keluarga yg always there to support me in wateva situations,
  • rindu pada teman2 sewaktu dari kecil hingga KINI...ada juga yg telah lama pergi meninggalkan aku...
  • rindu pada Keindahan zaman remaja...

dan semestinya rindu pada addlyzan abd manap yg sentiasa bz dgn tanggungjwbnya.

and when i think of all the things that i've been missing lately, i realised that i didnt do people around me didnt like what i've done for them... and some people think that im just another trash in their life..well, too bad coz we're leaving in the same afraid that we have to share almost everything and not to say that im thankful to god coz im able to enjoy my life to the fullest..

berbalik pada cerita hari ini....

buka pose ngn apit and lala..ouh arini networking dah berkembang..kenal bob?? ahaha aku pon tak brape for a first impression, bob tuh sgt la baik ati..geram sungguh ble tgk die..baik sangat!

sha: weyh bob, ko ni mkn...ish2!!! bak sini sikit.

bob: haa..amik la wey..aku ok..

sha: haa...camni ko jela blanje aku k???

bob: tgu gaji dlu arr..

apit: amboi lain macam je smbng?

sha: aphal doh?

bob: minyak wangi aku mane Lala?

lala: ade ni ha...tak lari pye la..

bob: eyyy ni aset ko tau??

apit: ko nak tau bob ni pkai minyak pengasih..

sha: sumpah??? yea??

bob: tak lah ni mcm 1 drop name die "anak mami"

sha,apit: wakakakakakaka....(tergoda doh)

tapi mmg, mlm tu aku agak terkesima melihat perwatakan bob..aku berani cakap arr takot plak nk pandang mata bob..mana tau terpikat plak kat anak mami sowg niyh! ape2 pon aku sgt la enjoy bukak pose ngn bdk2 sengal itik ni...

~haPPY Ramadhan al mubarak~

Monday, August 24, 2009

.....!!!!'s just too difficult to goreng!!!.....

...................... heyyy all.....................
let me just start today's blog like a bachelor student in english and currently in my semester first i thought that learning english much more easier than other language and it turn out to be not so.......EASY~ well, brieft enough, i told myself that whatever my decision is, english is still MY PASSION! i dont care and i still wanna learn, but something make me feel bad throughout my leraning progress is.....KEMALAS-MALASAN i yang tak dapat di bendung! seriously, maybe coz i've got other priority and i wasnt paying much attention when im in the class...most of the time, yea! :( so, to get back to the story, i felt much more useless when i knew and discovered myself that i can carry out the duty when learning FRENCH! i ended up failing and had most of the time bluffing about my essays and i dont care much when it comes to the time that i need to improve myself..that's baDDDD!!! sumpah terok okay...but then, i need help! i need a turbo boost sumthing2 to boost up my interest in learning french! and i admit,because of marks gone down the drain and i wasted my time learning third language without knowing the purpose of learning it..
today: 24 august 09,
here again in the french class, writing and listening but sepatah haram pon tak lekat kat kepala otak. it is seriously susah! jus got back my test paper and it is typically TRASH! entahla...i've learned from mistake and now kena lah belajar part time french ngan baby and also ika.. :P
dear god! please help me...mid term french 14/9 kot!!!! pleaseeeeee~

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

...three things i hate to write bout me?...


1. sha
2. fee
3. b


1. promoter
2. tutor
3. baby sitter

1. kediaman pegawai angkatan tentera KL :)
2. taman muhibbah
3. jitra KEDAH
4. taman setiawangsa
5. KOLEJ 14 :) *heart*

1. csi miami :)
2. desperate housewives
3. bones


1. mau pegi KC jumpe SUPERMAN.. (kalo buley..)
2. mau jumpe MUNCHET
3. nak G perak!!!


1. almost anything related to chicken
2. terung SAMBAL.. nyum2!
3. sambal BELACAN

1. my fown.. :P
2. nak beli jeans and baju raya* xsabar*
3. CUTI? ahaha malas pegi kelas.. :)


1. hamsters
2.kucheng.. ;) si gersang mimie


*if this is about sms, it will be...*
1. HUBBY :)
2. mama
3. my perfex 7!


1. yUNa

1. rugby oke? :P

1. air green tea :)
2. laici ngn teh o ais..
3. pink panther kat MURNI SS2
~the end~

Monday, August 17, 2009

~~~~~!!! tolongla 01***** !!!~~~~~

i dah lame tak 'feddap' mcm ni..

if u rase u worth to just bother and harrass me everytime u call me, pls stop! kau dah lame takde dlm hidup aku.

to be honest, im havin and enjoying my good life rite now, i dont need u to tell me how much u need me and how much u miss the time that we used to spend together. im so sorry that now ur no longer together with ur beloved diya! and im not tryin to be bitch either, coz im so takde kuase nak layan u..pls recall, how u made me collapsed infront of my frens and how i shed my tears for u like days! i cant even eat properly when u just walk away from my life! and i like the old people punye saying..

" kalo dah ludah takkan kau nak jilat balik?"


"a wise gurl kisses but does not love, listen but does not believes and leaves before she is left."

i am once left by u, and i neva want to come back. but u kept promising and until one fine day i tell myself not to be stupid and get over u!

so, bloody 01**** get ur hell out of my life and go find ur own!

p/s: kpd yg tau, kamu semua bermakna besar pada saya! tQ~


u are once my favret vintage car, bak kate bby! but im so sorry now ur USELESS!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

!!! Congratulation !!!

congratulations kalong!!!!

semalam sangat meriah, and semalam pon ari yg sgt bermakna buat kalong coz die dah grad.

eventhou byk hal yg membuatkan kalong tade mood,but she eventually managed to overcome herself.

senang cter, kami shangat lah gumbira kerana anak sulong puan rosberry dgn selamatnye bergraduat! (skema oke!)

tepat jam 5.50pm....

(acara tgu ahli family dtg ke chilis..)

tepat jam 6.3opm....

(ketibaan puan rosberry dan anakanda ann nabilla)

tepat jam 7.15pm...

(kedatangan ayah chik sefamily)

tepat jam 7.50pm

(yg berhormat dr.shahrina dan razlinar razak sampai)

: maka cukoplah ahli kaum kerabat sultanah kedah keluarga saye~

acara memperkenaikan mempelai lelaki..(aiceceh..tadelah, salam je kot!)

pasto amik2 gambo..melaram sat ngn bunge kalong! amboi sakan tau kalong melaram..

tak caya? cube tgok!

cantik kan bunge tu??kena la dgn baju kalong..btw, me and my super duper superman yg pilih! tenk god ouh!perot da berkeroncong sakan da ni....order punye la banyak..dan acara makanthon pun bermula!

tp tengah2 order tu sempat la i ngn superman snap ngn bunge kalong tu...


lihatlah wajah ku yang over excited pelok bunge tu..

dlm hati berkata..( mcmla da grad kan?)


dan, tak lengkapla mlm tu if tade gmbr family betol tak?

and there goes the good dessert!

i love u guys!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

..loVin mr. SUPERMAN!

helo.hye.asalamualaikum. :)

as mcm selalu la kan, i mmg slow skit bab update my blog but im so sory bout the delay. i promise next tyme wen i got nuthin to do, i'll write more.

so gettin back to my story, currently im in a relationship with a guy yg i panggil die MY SUPERMAN. and after all the names yg ade dlm dunia ni, i choosed to call him such a way iz all bcoz he's been too much of a guy yg i wanted for all tis while. well, i noe sume org ade impian nak ade bf yg kacak,berduit,berkereta, or bermotor,dan yg paling PENTING lovin'. but as for myself, i prefer HIM and the things tat he does modestly tu yg i kejar. enuf infos bout y am i callin him as so.
and so, get back to the event my fren..die da kawen plak~ huhu so there goes the silly Question " bile u guys nk kawen?" ...and my answer jadi mcm ni.."ha..ble da sampai seru,we r ready btw!" ahahaha
tat day 26/7/09 we went out and mcm biase, buy things and lepak2 jap..berjalan sambil berpegangan tangan..(yea, i noe korang menyampah..dont care! bace je dah!) ahaha pas2 hari tu jugak meeting wif the abang Long.. and i was like.." hubby tak bgtaw awal2 pon.." and the meeting wen quite successful lah! :)
details of the interview session wif abang Long~
abg long: sape name?
fee: erm name penuh ke? (hahah ngok skit tyme ni)
abg long: eyh yela nnt senang nk ingt, jan ni ske bwk2 awek.
(huh!! terkedu sebentar sambil jari jemari aku pantas memulas peha hubby d bwh meja)
fee: huhu, nur shafidza, tp panggil fee aje..
abg long: ouh fee, ingtkn salwa tadi.. (sambil ktawa kn hubby)
fee: tak lah..silap org tu..
k.zaza: berapa lama kenal?
(kena ke jwb ni?)
fee: urm dalam 7 bulan da..
k.zaza: oo..bru ag~ (cam nk perli aku je)
fee: knl da 7 bln, tp declare bru 4 bln.. :)
abg long: mak ngn abah kt mane?
(hubby ckp ni jwpn aku yg turn off skali..)
fee: kt umah. (dan mereka pon ketawa terbahak2)
abg long: tak,mksd abg bwt ape?
fee: oo..mama kje and abh da lama tiada.
abg long: ohhh...
(diam jap tyme ni..mgkin terasa tak ptot jwb soklan tu?)
abg long: (dlm cubaan nk melawak memecah ksunyian). erm ape lg nk tye ea..oh, anak kberape?
fee: ank no dua, tp adk bradik mmg dua je pon.
abg long: jan, malam ni jgk abg antaq resume kt mak.
jan: haa tak pa la..antaq la pon boleh aih.
fee: errr resume ape lak ni?
abg long: lah, kne anta resume la kt mak abg..nak mintak approval.
(haha..takotkan aku plak mamat dua ekor niyh)
abg long: ke fee nak 3G ngan tok abg?
fee: eyh tak pe kot? nnt tekejot plak tok..
dan berakhirlah sessi interview itu..
sumpah lega..and btw, abg long sebenarnye melihat abg long dan k.zaza buat aku nak gelak aritu..mungkin sebab abg long nak basuh tangan takot pegi sorang atas alasan takot org kidnapped die? ahaha chomel tol.. and im thankful tat abg long die ley trima i seadanya.
p/s: kalo da dating ngn sumbody, wajib tok jumpe family members ok? baru lah tau sincere ke tak... :) bak kate mama lah kan?
~i luv u hubby~

Friday, June 5, 2009

dah berapa lama aku hidup?

.setiap detik.setiap saat.setiap minit.setiap ketika.
hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk aku ceritakan semuanya.
menjadi insan yang terpilih dan di pilih dari Allah swt aku bersyukur kerana aku di lahirkan dalam golongan keluarga yang punya segalanya. kaya dengan semuanya! :)

hari ini indah,
lebih indah bila aku bangun dari tidurku bau enak menusuk hidungku. " ahh mama masak sedap! i can't wait to eat!"

me: ma, wat's cookin?
mama: your favret! kueh tiaw!

ahh!! heaven dow..... c(:

a moment in the car while we are on our way to bandar utama, i sat infront and at that time i was daydreaming thinking about something that i can't be bother to recall. i only can recall this moment wen i looked up the sky and i suddenly felt happy looking up for the clouds. it was big and at that moment i came across a silly but yet i tink that it is cute kinda question.... here goes the question..

me: ma kenapa kita tak bole pegang awan?
mama: as usually, a liltle bit shock and she smiled at me after a while..

me: y ma?? kenape gelak?
mama: haa..itu lah kuasa Allah swt..

and there's goes the answer. later, i figured out why izzit so..



Tuesday, June 2, 2009

truth hurts!

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, copy and paste this note, erase my answers and enter your own, tag people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. Last beverage: iced cool ribena :)
2. Last phone call: munchet!
3. Last text message: munchet again~
4. Last song you listened to: bau fr warkah!
5. Last time you cried: trip to terengganu! :(
6. Dated someone twice: aaha. :)
7. Been cheated on: never and dont want to b~
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: not yet to b kiss! c(:
9. Lost someone special : yea..lost him and her. (daddy and granny)
10. Been depressed: lately yea but im oke! :)
11. Been drunk and threw up: nop!
12. blue
13. black
14. turqoise~
15. Made a new friend: a lot of them! :)
16. Fallen out of love: erm...u guess??
17. Laughed until you cried: laughter iz the best ubat! yea!!!
18. Met someone who changed you: there is..aaha!
19. Found out who your true friends were: yep! witout u munchet will b lost coz out there too many backstabbers..ahahaha ;)
20. Found out someone was talking about you?: ofcoz la ade..loh??
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: tak main la kwn sndri oke? ;)
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life:kebanyakan la.
23. How many kids do you want to have: lucky number 3! ahaha
24. Do you have any pets: mimie si misai putih yg tgah tdow ats bantal.(kau ingat kau sorang je pakai bantal?)
25. Do you want to change your name: im glad im Nur Shafidza.
26. What did you do for your last birthday: lepak.makan.joget.laugh!
27. What time did you wake up today: 11am.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: ooh teman mama tgk industan.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: graduate?? :)
30. Last time you saw your Mother: kt dapor. ;)
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: if i would change anytink in my past, i would want to change my....(to be continue)
32. What are you listening to right now: kalong screamin to mimie..
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: tak de..ape pelik name tom ni??
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: waitin 4 kalong to mandi? :)
35. Most visited webpage: equally!
36. Whats your real name:sile refer to question no 25.
37. Nicknames: sha.fee. both!
38. Relationship Status: very much in love!
39. Zodiac sign: aquarious the lady carryin water tumbler..ahaha :)
40. Male or female?: female
41. Elementary?: all over most of peninsular malaysia, my dad was an airforce!!!
42. Middle School?: sk tmn setiawangsa. sk taman jitra kedah!
43. High school/college?: smk bukit bandaraya bangar.smk saas kajang.
44. Hair colour: dark brown. very dark!
45. Long or short:long long hair!
46. Height: 170cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: obviously!! duh
48. What do you like about yourself?: lovin it!
49. Piercings: ears.
50. Tattoos: masya allah...
51. Righty or lefty:i`m a righty all the way.
52. First surgery: removed couple of tooth.. :)
53. First piercing: telinga
54. First best friend: munchet. aka aimi ibrahim
55. First sport you joined:netball!
56. First vacation: cant recall.
58. First pair of trainers: during playing netball
59. Eating: no
60. Drinking:no
61. I'm about to: go to bathe.
62. Listening to: nuthin.
63. Waiting on: to mid valley. watchin movee
64. Want kids?: obviously!
65. Get Married?: at the age of god knows more than me! ;)
66. Career?: fr those days until now, i want to b a teacher! insya allah!
67. Lips or eyes: both
68. Hugs or kisses: BOTH
69. Shorter or taller: tall!!
70. Older or Younger: age is just a number!
71. Romantic or spontaneous: both
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: i like both. but if flabby pon ape slhnye?jadik bantal.
73. Sensitive or loud: loud?
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship!
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: hahahaha both
76. Kissed a stranger: no.
77. Drank hard liquor: no.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: no.
79. Sex on first date: no
80. Broken someone's heart: nada
82. Been arrested: no
83. Turned someone down: yeah..guilty
84. Cried when someone died: duh.
85. Fallen for a friend?: no.never.
86. Yourself: yep!
87. Miracles: yes yes yes
88. Love at first sight: yes. hoping for it!~
89. Heaven: yes.
90. Santa Claus: irrelevant.i`m a muslim.
91. Kiss on the first date: not yet to be kissssss.. :)
92. Angels: of course.
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: yea..
95. Did you sing today?: a liltle..
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: sumtimes..but with solid reasons..
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: never look back!!
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?:just living the day is nough!!
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: im not!
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: maybe!!!